Impact of react native in mobile application development !

React Native’s cross-platform capabilities allow developers build apps for Android as well as iOS with a single codebase. This approach reduces development time and costs, making it a good choice for businesses.

One of React Native’s strengths lies in its performance, as it utilizes native components to deliver near-native performance.

Some of the examples of native components of react native are :

  1. Image
  2. TextInput
  3. Button
  4. ScrollView
  5. FlatList and many more..

This ensures that apps built with React Native are fast, responsive, and provide a seamless user experience. React native framework has very large ecosystem of libraries, tools, and plugins and community support that further enhances the development productivity by providing pre-built components for integrating complex features.

Additionally, React Native has hot reloading feature allows developers to see changes in real-time at the time of development and debugging that speed up the development and debugging process. Furthermore, React Native promotes code reusability, that helps developers to code once and reuse the component throughout the application wherever needed . The reason for which components are important is because it promotes no code redundancy  and reusability. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency across different platforms, that simplifies maintenance and working on updates in the long run.

In summary, React Native’s cross-platform capabilities, performance optimisation, rich ecosystem, and code reusability have had a transformative impact on mobile app development, empowering developers to build high-quality apps efficiently and effectively.