From Civil Engineer to Python Developer: A Guide to Transitioning Careers

Journey In Civil:
After graduation I joined a civil company as site Engineer. I worked there for 2 years but found there is no personal growth and as well as financial growth. I started thinking about my career should I continue as a site engineer or pursue in other field. Then I resigned from current post and took leave from work prepared for IT.
Why I choose IT:
After a hectic career in Civil I choose IT because in early of my academic career I am good at C programming and in engineering I secured good results in C and C++. if I didn’t choose Civil Engineering as your major in your Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree, then you definitely chose Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Then I became a software engineer.
Why I Choose Python:
Initially when I started my study I choose directly Node JS for programming after two month I could not understand then what is happening because I never gone through Java script initially.
Then one of my friend suggested me to start learning python. Python has a simple and easy-to-read syntax, which makes it an excellent language for beginners. Its readability reduces the cost of program maintenance and development. Python is a versatile language that can be used for various purposes, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, and more. It has extensive libraries and frameworks that support different application domains.
Where I learned Python:
As a beginner I used to learn everything from You tube. I visited lots of channels to learn python. Then I got a bunches of videos where they explained python from basic to advance including OOPS concepts. I learned all from there. Then I started practice everyday with different concept after practicing python then I stated learning about building of rest API and development of web applications. Then I got a you tube channel code with harry the he explained Django very well from beginning. I started building different web application for practice.
How I joined a company:
After 2-3 months of practice I thought I should apply for the job as a fresher so I told some of my friends to refer my CV in their respective companies and I also made my profile in LinkedIn and After some days one my friend refer my cv to his company and I got selected in an interview. I joined as a fresher I learned lots of thing there and developed some complex applications and so on.
From constructing bridges, roads and building to crafting software applications, my journey underscores the importance of patience and consistent practice in achieving professional growth and success.