Prioritizing Mental Health at Work!

Mental health feels like a luxury not everyone can afford. Especially in our daily lives, with the pressure to maintain work and personal life, we often lose a track of our mental wellness. However, with this blog, we are going to focus on how out mental wellness needs to be prioritized to thrive in both personal and professional fields.

Major reasons behind work pressure!

As they say, a healthy mind and body leads to productive work output. So it is vital to maintain both even to produce work outputs. But does work actually affects our mental wellness? There is more to just ‘work’ that’s affects one’s mental wellbeing. Let’s take a brief look at it all:

  • Pressure to perform: Sometimes, we often tend to forget that we are not robots but human beings after all. We tend to lose ourselves to the competitive work environment and succumb to the consequences thereby. This can lead to severe anxiety and a feeling of complexity.
  • High stress environment: Like mentioned already, more than work, it is always the collateral elements that contribute to the mental health degradation. The people we are surrounded at work aren’t always friendly and often tend to contribute towards personal conflicts.
  • Lack of Support: Not only a toxic environment but also feeling isolated is one of the most challenging feelings one can face at workplace. Thus, it makes it difficult to cope with the dissatisfaction and exhaustion.
Dealing with work pressure!

Despite these common problems at workplace, one should never forget to prioritize their mental well being . Mentioned below are a few ways one can practise often to keep calm.

  1. Make sure to set realistic goals: Work pressure is often known to arise from setting goals and deadlines that we don’t seem to meet. Make sure to set a time that confides with your sense of accomplishment. This also saves you from facing repercussions when deadlines aren’t met.
  2. Establish healthy boundaries: At workplaces, the line between work and personal life often blurs. Make sure to set clear boundaries when it comes to the work that you are supposed to deliver before day ends. It is also not quite necessary to attend work related call and emails at your off hours.
  3. Normalize taking time offs and breaks: No matter what one says and how much it requires for an employee to get a leave, it is their right to be able to do so. Work can be draining and taking time off during work hours, if required a break of few days can be quite healthy for an individual. Both physically and mentally. Take this time to fully disconnect and recharge again.
  4. Practise Stress-Relief techniques and amusements: Self relief techniques, doesn’t necessarily mean large scale yoga practise. Simply engaging in minor relaxing activities like hearing your favourite music or just connecting a with your loves ones via a phone call can help you take your mind off the pressure in work.

Undoubtedly, we have bad days at work. There are times when we feel like losing focus on work and a lack of energy to even complete the most basic tasks. But constantly being in a state of disturbed mind can create a toxicity that might as well affect you in physical levels. Hence, keep in mind to prioritize your mental health.